Happy 2018 my friends! The inspiration for today’s blog is brought to you by my friend Laura Ward of Yellow Rose Life. Laura and I met at Texas Children’s Hospital where we both worked on the cardiology floor. She is one of the most incredible nurses I have ever known, and now she is also mother of 3 and founder of Yellow Rose Life. Check out her fabulous website and blog which will tell you everything you need to know about home renovation, decorating, and of course mothering! You can also purchase signs like the one featured in today’s post. Thanks Laura! “This will be the best year yet” and here is why…
This will be the best year yet because I will be joyful, patient, and present. I will say “yes” more often than I say “just a minute” or “be right there.” I will look her in the eye. I will kneel down on his level. I will be there. I will try and quiet the running to do list that floats around in my head so that I may truly engage and connect. I will hold onto the moments that pass all too quickly. I will be grateful for the mess. My heart will be moved because it’s me they want when they fall, when they cry, when they are hungry, or when they just don’t know. I will smile. I will laugh. I will play. And with this, I will also have grace for myself when it turns out differently.
This will be the best year yet because I will use my words to inspire, to lift up, to praise, and to love. I will say “thank you” to my husband as often as I can. I will brighten my voice when he calls to check in during the day. I will tell him he matters, and I will show him that I still have time for him too. I will acknowledge the effort and energy my children put forth into daily tasks that to them mean everything. I will give them more than “Good job,” but rather “You worked so hard and used so many different colors.” I will continue to help them learn what they can do (“Walk inside.”) instead of telling them what they can’t do (“Don’t run.”) I will talk to them about being kind, about being generous, and about being safe. I will answer the questions (all 5,000 of them) with patience, for this is how she puts her world together. I will sing with them, and I will pray for them. And with this, I will also have grace for myself when it turns out differently.
This will be the best year yet because I will remember who I am. The oxygen mask principle applies to me too, and I will not forget that. I will make time time to read and to run. I will treat myself without guilt whether it’s a cupcake or a deluxe pedicure. I will pay myself by taking the time to connect with the part of my spirit that was much more accessible before motherhood. I will not lose that. Whether it’s a dance class, a book club, or a monthly friend dinner I will make it a priority to check in with ME and to fill my own cup so that I may carry the beautiful responsibility called motherhood on my own strong shoulders. And with this, I will also have grace for myself when it turns out differently.
This will be the best year yet because I will call on my village. I will reach out and ask for help whether it’s my mom, a friend, or a professional who knows more than me. I will be humbled by the fact that I don’t know it all and appreciative of someone who can help. Even though I can do it by myself, I will remember that I don’t need to. If someone tells me to take 5 minutes, then I will. I will refuse to underestimate the power of a little bit of help, and I will remember that others find joy from offering help, including me. I will allow myself to be on both the giving end and the receiving one. And with this, I will also have grace when it turns out differently.
This will be the best year yet because I will do my best and I will know that is good enough. If I falter it’s ok. If I fail, life will continue to march along. Tomorrow is always a new day, and today my best will be good enough. I will remember that I am doing everything I can with everything I know. Tomorrow I might know more, but today I will choose grace for myself, for my spouse, and especially for my children. May this new year bless us, bless our families, and bless especially our children.
Find the joy~
**Small Hands Big Steps can help with all those new year’s resos you are making. Want to go into 2018 with a playroom that’s clutter free and more functional? Are you finally ready to kick those bad sleep habits? Need a discipline refresh for the new year? Contact us today and let’s tackle those new year’s resolutions together!